Call for communication


Deadline for sending the abstract: 30/04/2025

Response from the scientific committee: 16/05/2025

To submit an abstract proposal

Submission standards:

Thematic axis: insert number  

  • Title: Bold, Times New Roman (TNR) font, centered. The title cannot exceed 50 words.


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  • Authors and institution: Last name, first name of the authors: TNR 12, centered, a superscript number provides information on institutional affiliations.


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  • Institutional affiliation: TNR 12, centered,


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  • Summary: This short summary cannot exceed 300 words (TNR, 12, justified). It is made up of the following sections: context, research hypothesis, method, main results and conclusions.


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  • Keywords: Bold. 5 words maximum, separated by commas.


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  • Bibliography: 5 references maximum.

Abstracts will be subject to expertise by the members of the scientific committee.

The proposals selected by the scientific committee will be the subject of a presentation (10 minutes) followed by exchanges and discussions with the audience (5 minutes).

Submission conditions

Each abstract proposal must be submitted below.

    Uploading your abstract (.pdf format - maximum size 5MB)
     Oral communicationPoster*

    *If your oral communication proposal was not accepted, would you agree to present a “poster”?


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